*All prices are in USD
These prices are monthly
Custom integrations require a discover session to scope, before we can commit to pricing. Even if we've built integrations between the same two platforms before, your own requirements for what data is synced and how will dictate the final price.
But, because of our modular integration framework, we can be very confident in providing accurate pricing upfront, and make it as competitive as possible.
As an indication of ongoing costs, you should expect to be on our Professional plan as a minimum.
Our credit-based pricing model is a versatile solution that allows you to allocate your resources where you need them most. It also provides a more cost-effective approach than a massive integration that includes features you won't use.
We understand that as a business, your needs can change from month to month — our credit-based pricing model means you won’t get locked into a rigid fixed plan. This way you can optimise your budget by only paying for what you use each month with the credits you’ve got. And, if you find yourself needing more credits, you have the option to top up your limit before jumping into the next tier.
Credits give you the versatility to allocate your resources where you need them most that month. Depending on your requirements, you’ll be able to use your credits for Data Sync, or across any of our micro apps available in the marketplace.
By only paying for the credits you need each month, you can make the most out of your budget, leading to major cost-savings over time. The cost per credit also goes down as you scale up, so the more you grow, the more you’ll save. Instead of blowing the budget on a massive integration that includes features you won’t need, only pay for the implementations you know you’ll use.